Features & Benefits [ - ]
Secure Online Medical Bill Pay
With PatientConnection's bill pay feature, sending statement reminders to patients
couldn't be easier. When a patient's bill is due, an automated statement is
sent to the patient by email. This email provides a link to check the status of
their bill, and the option to pay the medical bill online using a credit card or electronic check.
Insurance Management
One of the many reasons for rejected insurance claims is outdated patient insurance
information. With PatientConnection, patients have the freedom to maintain
their insurance information, which is updated directly in their patient chart on any
Improvity Medical practice management product. This saves your
office valuable time and money by ensuring your patient's insurance information is always current.
Real-time Appointment Scheduling
Scheduling patient appointments by phone can be a cumbersome task in a busy
medical practice. While working side-by-side with medical office staff, we
identified a valuable time-saving feature — let patients schedule their own
appointments online. PatientConnection communicates directly with all Improvity Medical practice management products,
in real-time, over the internet to exchange available appointment slots, and displays these availabilities to patients when
they request an appointment. Once confirmed, the appointment is reserved, and the
patient will receive an appointment reminder by email.
Automated Patient Health Information Interviews
Traditional medical practices handle patient health information in much the
same way — asking patients to complete a series of forms while they wait for
their appointment. With PatientConnection, patients are able to complete these same
forms online, prior to their appointment, all from the comfort of their own
home. This benefits the medical practice and the patient by providing
convenience for the patient, saving the office valuable data entry time, and
ensuring accurate patient medical record information.
On-screen & Email Alerts
Typical reminders might require a telephone call to the patient or a letter sent to them via mail. PatientConnection
automates these tasks by delivering on-screen alerts in addition to reminder emails sent to patients with a valid
email address. This feature saves your practice valuable time and reduces postage costs.